Getting to the Clinic
We are located on the third floor of the Strathcona Health and Wellness Center 8225 105 street,
a big brick building not too far form the Old Strathcona Farmers Market.
Finding the clinic: Unit 302A
You can find the entrance at the corner of 105 street and 83rd avenue.
The front door is an automatic motion activated sliding double door during the weekdays 9am-5pm.
After 5pm, and on Sundays the door operates on a buzzer system. The keypad for entry is to the right of the entrance. You will find the buzzer number in all of your appointment confirmation and reminder emails. You can always call 780-221-1437 if you need help getting in the building.
When you get into the building you have two options:
1. Stairs to the left
2. Elevator: head straight through the blue double doors, turn left to find the elevator, and hit the button to go to level 3.
We are the second door on the left down the third floor hall.